The bar- Cantab Lounge. The band- The Chicken Slacks. The day- Thursday. The night- Funky. The mood-Elated. The evening- oohhhhhh sssoooo grroovvyyyy.
What could be better on a Thursday night than a trumpet, a sax, vocals, electric guitar, tambourines, cow bells, bassists, pianists, drummers, magicians, balloon makers (?), and a bar full of noticeably attractive people wearing plaid, jiving in unison, and sipping on cold Octoberfests? That's right. Nothing is better. Which is why everyone should go to Cantab Lounge on Thursday nights. The band, The Chicken Slacks, were far from slackers. Not only did they jam until 2am, but also Jeremy (sax player) could be seen smiling while billowing into his horn and lead singer, (didn't catch his name), took us so far around the musical map that our thighs were sore upon our exit. If you ask me, nights like funk night at Cantab are what life is about, something we can't forget about, nights that improve our musical clout, and get us shuffling our feet for next week, to prevent ever again falling into any kind of Funk drought. And by the way, get there early... I'm talking 830pm early.
Enjoy!!!! And have a funky weekend.
Fox comin' in clutch with the Funky Monkey... Fox I can totally see you dancing around to this lol
Some Reggae NNaaahhh drop di tiinnggg
This is some people's "get ready for work in the morning" song lol... you know who you are.
Here's a ridiculously fresh and chill track courtesy of Choniski.
Another chill one with a great BB King loop through. Suggested by my boss, who, needless to say, is the man.
Lastly. one of my faves
I like to travel, I like you. I like the morning, I like you. I like to sleep, I like you. I like the ocean, I like you. I like to eat, I like you. I like the rain, I like you. I like the mountains, I like you. I like the night.
La Tortura by Shakira. So good. watch the sexy video too.
ReplyDeletedef will make you want to belly dance ooww oowwww