Although he may have resembled yankee doodle and sweated profusely during performances, SRV managed to inspire guitar players of all walks of life. Only living to age 36 (died in a plane crash), SRV banged out 18 albums and countless earth-shattering performances, such as those posted here. The level to which SRV stays on key borders on genius. They say in order to become an expert at anything, you have to have done it for at least 10,000 hours. For some reason that is the number of hours that consistently appears when cognitive neuroscientists test brain function and skill level. Think SRV played more than 10,000 hours? Um. Yes. Also, on a side note, Stevie Ray Vaughan concert DVDs are THE BEST. Sound quality is always fantastic and if you can see your TV from your kitchen, it's a great DVD to throw on while cooking a scrumptious meal. ENJOY!
Also, for those of you interested in the business behind the music industry- this is probably one of the best articles I have ever read (Give this to Kevin!)
Morning Riff? Stevie Ray Vaughan- Give Me Back My Wig!!! (honey let your head go bald)
DOWNLOAD THIS ALBUM OF MASH UPS! so good courtesy of V$
I can show ya ha ya do it!! (nice one RT)
lil electronica dance party thanks to Zero 7 and Adam Kott
They should have been blasting THIS on a megaphone during that 9 day traffic jam in China..
And.. a WTC shoutout to the Brookline Public Library's kick ass music collection
To all you Phish Phans... the band is slowly growing on me...
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